K2 Party Platter Snowboard Review

Duration: 4:13 Views: 26K Submitted: 7 years ago
Description: TJ'S GEAR
K2 Party Platter Snowboard: http://tinyurl.com/klh9n6f
Union Contact Binding: http://tinyurl.com/m6m6rza
Dragon NFX Goggles: http://tinyurl.com/lflhjtl
Volcom Goretex Jacket: http://tinyurl.com/jvo9mx6
Volcom Articulated Pants: http://tinyurl.com/nyctlk5

Check out Mt. Bachelor: http://www.mtbachelor.com/

Read the written review: http://boardarchive.com/k2-party-platter-snowboard-review/

In this snowboard review video we were exploring the Northwest chair at Mt. Bachelor taking advantage of the leftover powder stashes from the storm the day before. The sun came out and made the powder quite heavy, but it was still a great time. Later in the day once summit chair opened, Kevin and I explore the summit and check out some of the 360 degree snowboarding Mt. Bachelor has to offer. The two biggest highlights for me on the K2 Party are how well it is able to set an edge and carve aggressively, as well as how maneuverable that short tail is in the powder. If you have any questions about the K2 Party Platter snowboard or any requests please leave them in the comments below, and make sure to visit http://boardarchive.com for the full review of the K2 Party Platter!

TJ INSTAGRAM: @boardarchive
KEVIN INSTAGRAM: @snowboardprocamp
TJ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/boardarchive
KEVIN FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/snowboardpro...



Instrumental produced by Chuki: http://www.youtube.com/user/CHUKImusic
Sponsored by: SnowboardProCamp
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