Duration: 8:25 Views: 13K Submitted: 3 years ago
Description: Hi everybody! Check out this week's best Viral Video Compilation! These are some funny moments that went viral. Like this video of this girl in towel dancing for TikTok and her boyfriend is behind her and at one point she opens up her towel to the camera and her boyfriend runs and brags her to hide her but then he realizes she's wearing clothes inside the towel and it was just a prank. This guy who customizes piano and the way he did this glass piano is breathtaking. This father hears noises from his son's bedroom and it's the first time he's brought a girl home, and the father dances outside his son's room, it's hilarious! My favorite is the one where a girl sells her couch online and the buyer comes picks up the couch, pays her and goes home. When he reaches home and sets up the couch, a cat comes out from underneath the couch. Turns out the cat belongs to the lady who sold the couch and the cat loved hiding underneath the couch inside the fabric. He reaches out to the seller and she comes and gets her cat, the cat is fine but that's just epic! More fun viral clips like such in there so make sure to watch it until the end.

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