Hiking for an Epic Hip Session!
Duration: 9:04
Views: 495
Submitted: 4 years ago
Breckenridge, Colorado
The ski resorts have been closed for 2 months now!
As you can tell, there is still plenty of snow up there.
We hiked up and session'd what was left of the landings for the jumps and the half pipe. The pipe is quite difficult to ride when there is a big divot along the flat bottom, but I made it work!
Hitting a jump is so much more exciting when you have to walk up for every attempt. I am so hyped that I rode away from one of those 360's cleanly!
Thanks for watching! :D
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Tom Watson
Breckenridge, Colorado
The ski resorts have been closed for 2 months now!
As you can tell, there is still plenty of snow up there.
We hiked up and session'd what was left of the landings for the jumps and the half pipe. The pipe is quite difficult to ride when there is a big divot along the flat bottom, but I made it work!
Hitting a jump is so much more exciting when you have to walk up for every attempt. I am so hyped that I rode away from one of those 360's cleanly!
Thanks for watching! :D
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Instagram - @deathraye
Tom Watson
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