Ski Crash Compilation of the BEST Stupid & Crazy FAILS EVER MADE! PART 12

Duration: 5:48 Views: 1.1M Submitted: 6 years ago
Description: **Only the Best Compilation of the Best epic skiing fails #12**
Subscribe if you want more!
Editing: SkierDan
Please Note: That this video does not Promote or Encourage reckless skiing, but serves as safety video to educate.
If you have clips for the next compilation send to or DM @skierdan_

Video Clips Provided by:
0:02 @brycenwulf_408
0:08 @emmaceciliasmith
0:11 @alex.cronquist
0:15 @eliasgjalby
0:19 @b_frank_3
0:24 @jerryoftheday
0:30 @jack_watts__
0:37 @elise.gilleland
0:42 @keegan__wentworth
0:50 @jova.antunovic
0:56 @jerryslams
1:00 @nik_oaks @skimemes69
1:06 @thesnowclub
1:15 @ernstvp @barilee97
1:18 @themainhiker
1:24 @senditofficiall
1:28 @phip_boby
1:35 @flwcollective
1:47 @brewbayy @aaronhusak
1:52 @dlowry1010 @saltypretz_media @justinroy__
1:57 @killerwhalen @doc_teeth
2:02 @g2b_productions
2:08 Unknown
2:15 @fabianagartson
2:20 @brendanmackay @anatoletuzlak
2:25 @hansendit1
2:30 @icecoastkillshit
2:38 @condorpoint
2:43 @jerryslams
2:47 Unknown
2:52 @mofreeski
3:00 @drive.threw @nevadosfernie @tyl3rstack
3:08 @artyom.tyapa
3:15 @nate.inz @cdubois7
3:25 @woodmeiser
3:34 friedlmathiias@gmail
3:37 @jerryslams
3:45 @keeshlife
3:50 @fackouteam
3:55 Auto pilot
4:05 Herman Hello
4:15 @madelieneelizabeth
4:20 @matthieurouchon @baptistesjostrom
4:29 @jerryslams
4:35 Unknown
4:38 @petermfsmith
4:47 @tobidoerflein @_donkamillo
4:50 Unknown
4:54 @jerryoftheday
5:00 @franc_marrato
5:05 @stevenwalker3
5:08 @mackshort1211
5:12 Fishtank Bwater
5:20 @jlev777
5:23 Sandrine Di Folco
5:33 @birk_ruud

Jovial by Peyruis
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Sponsored by: Skier Dan
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