The Turn 14 Drivers Project: The Best Project Car Road Trip Ever?
Duration: 54:58
Views: 25K
Submitted: 2 years ago
Rolling through your favorite driving roads with a crew of your best pals and their project cars might just be one of the best things ever. The guys at Pit+Paddock and Turn 14 Distribution tend agree – to the point, where they organized their ultimate version of a group road trip with project cars. It’s called the Turn 14 Drivers project – and Larry Chen tags along on this year’s journey. Support the channel with a purchase of a signed print: Follow Our Crew on Instagram: Larry Chen @larry_chen_foto Louis Yio @lusciousy Tyler Kapper @tylerkophoto Luis Garcia @hatch.jpg Richard Kim @richardkimm Turn on notifications to keep up to date on our latest uploads! Check out our friends on Instagram: @pennzoil @typesauto @rotiform @canonusa @thehoonigans @gridlifeofficial @formulad @yokohamatire @kw_suspension
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Larry Chen
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turn 14 drivers project
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Larry Chen