Abandoned Waterpark Shred Session in Mexico in a Ford Explorer
Duration: 19:10
Views: 1.1M
Submitted: 2 years ago
Ah Mexico - a place where a wild Hoon's dreams can really come true. Tacos, racing, good people and even better off-roading features. Manmade or otherwise. Where else would you be able to spot an empty swimming pool on the side of the road, session it, then catch some quality short course truck racing immediately after? Thanks to our partners: Falken Tire - @falkentire www.falkentire.com Subscribe, nerds https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXlfi8sf6cKGQ8sOd0-yRuw?sub_confirmation=1 FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheHoonigans/ IG: instagram.com/thehoonigans Turn on notifications so you don’t miss out, noob. https://www.hoonigan.com/ Follow Our Crew: Brian Scotto https://www.instagram.com/brianscotto/ Vin https://www.instagram.com/vin_tra/ Hert https://www.instagram.com/hertlife/ @dangerdan3 Zac https://www.instagram.com/mister_zachary/ @jchase7452 @jofeltolosa @teaguefleury @baker_ashley @nelsonflores__ @nadsynads @kyletstuart24 @larry_chen_foto Ron https://www.instagram.com/roncar/ Stay fresh with the latest apparel: https://www.hoonigan.com/featured.html
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