$500 Rallycross?? Ken Block and Steve Arpin Race in Ex Police Cars - Ford Crown Victoria Mayhem
Duration: 18:51
Views: 483K
Submitted: 2 years ago
Rallycross is not a cheap sport, especially when you're out there learning and beating on cars. And while there are different levels like crosskarts and RX2 cars to get you leveling up, there's still not much in terms of true grassroots level rallycross competition in the states. Until now! Grab a couple of $500 Crown Vics, some buddies, and have at it. Special thanks to our buddy Cole Powelson for providing these Crown Vic Rallycross beaters and some time in his Sierra Karts! Subscribe to my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpCJ0y-_y03qPlG4zrYAAvQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on Instagram: @kblock43 Follow on Facebook: facebook.com/kenblockracing Rad gear that The Hoonigans make for me: https://www.hoonigan.com/collections/ken-block Check out my Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/kblock43 Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/kblock43
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Ken Block
ken block
steve arpin
ken block race
ken block rally
steve arpin rallycross
nitro rallycross
nitro world games
crown vic
ford crown victoria
crown vic folkrace
folk race
beater car rallycross
cop car rallycross
Ken Block