What's Faster?? Ken Block's Cossie V2 vs Brand New Ford Fiesta R5
Duration: 17:49
Views: 1.0M
Submitted: 2 years ago
Ken Block's Cossie World Tour, presented by Sonax: Episode 009: Ken Block's Cossie V2 vs Brand New Ford Fiesta R5 While testing for the Donegal Rally, I had the opportunity to do a back-to-back drive that I've been thinking about since the day the Ford Escort Cossie V2 was finished: is it slower than a Ford Fiesta R5? Or faster? Or the same? Thanks to our friends at M-Sport in the UK, they helped make that test a reality. Subscribe to my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpCJ0y-_y03qPlG4zrYAAvQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow me on Instagram: @kblock43 Follow on Facebook: facebook.com/kenblockracing Rad gear that The Hoonigans make for me: https://www.hoonigan.com/collections/ken-block Check out my Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/kblock43 Follow me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/kblock43
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Ken Block