100 REP SQUAT CHALLENGE (Tone & Lift the Booty & Thighs)
Duration: 6:15
Views: 229K
Submitted: 2 years ago
Time for a workout challenge! 100 reps of different variations of squats in 5 minutes! This is a great challenge you can add into your daily routine or even at the end of your workouts as a burn out! How many rounds can you do? #WorkoutChallenge #HomeWorkout #MadFit ???????? DOWNLOAD YOUR MADFIT APP FREE TRIAL HERE: https://madfit.app.link/e/store ⭐️ DO THIS WARM UP FIRST: http://bit.ly/2riv8T6 ⭐️ APARTMENT FRIENDLY WARM UP: https://youtu.be/CSrBaHX3HxQ ⭐️ DO THIS COOL DOWN AFTER (5 min): shorturl.at/jswT3 ????????THE MAT I USE (Exercise 6X4): http://gorillamats.com?aff=19 (MADFIT10 for 10% off) ✘ I N S T A G R A M: @madfit.ig ✘ T W I T T E R: @maddielymburner ✘ F A C E B O O K: facebook.com/madfit.ig ✉ C O N T A C T (business inquiries): madfit95@gmail.com
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100 rep squat challenge
squat challenge
100 rep challenge
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madfit squat challenge
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100 squat challenge
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