We Found Secret Trails! KX85 vs KLX110
Duration: 10:31
Views: 117K
Submitted: 3 years ago
We found a secret hidden riding spot in the woods! We took the pit bikes out (KX85 and KLX110L) to explore some local powerline trails and check out what we found, this place is sick! Should Alan and I go back to this place and rip the mini bikes more often? The KX85 two-stroke is a killer pit bike! What I used to make this video: 4K GoPro I used to film this --- https://amzn.to/2R1KdFA Helmet Mount for GoPro --- https://amzn.to/3hYwMkQ Chin Mount I use to mount camera --- https://amzn.to/2RJLMaZ MUST USE Windscreen for GoPro --- https://amzn.to/2UvqyiR Bikes: 2015 Kawasaki KX85 Kawasaki KLX110L Location: Secret Hidden Trails in the Woods
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Derek Hallman
we found secret trails! kx85 vs klx110
private motocross track
hidden motocross track in the woods!
hidden motocross track
secret motocross track
woods motocross track
dirt bike gopro
hidden mx track
secret mx track
private mx track
private mx track gopro
secret dirt bike trails
found dirt bike trails
found hidden trails
kx85 vs klx 110
kawasaki kx85
kawasaki kx85 2 stroke
kawasaki klx 110l
secret dirt bike track
hidden dirt bike trails
Derek Hallman