Gran Turismo Sport: The Racing Might Be Improving

Duration: 21:52 Views: 39K Submitted: 6 years ago
Description: Is there a chance that the racing quality may be improving on GT Sport? Let me know what you think but these few races at Kyoto suggest that it may well be. This could simply be down to my improved driver and sportsmanship rating but may also be down to the re-worked penalty system or simply less people being idiots! Join the Super GT DISCORD server! Support the channel with a tip! Second Channel for Karting Videos: FOLLOW: ► Twitter: ► Discord ► Instagram: ► Facebook: ADD: ►XBL : F4H Super GT ►PSN : F4H_Super_GT ►iRacing: Steve Alvarez Brown ►Steam: SteveAlvarez YouTube Livestreaming: I livestream from time to time and that is your opportunity to play against me! Stay tuned on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to know when the next open lobby and stream will be! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Setup: ►Xbox One X, Xbox One S, Xbox 360, PS4 ►Thrustmaster TX 458 Italia ►Thrustmaster Ferrari F1 Add on ►Thrustmaster 599XX Alcantara Wheel Add On ►Thrustmaster TH8A Shifter ►Thrustmaster T3PA Pro Pedals ►Corsair Void Pro Surround Headphones ►Samson Microphone PC Setup: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outro Song PANTyRAID – Nights
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Channel: Super GT
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