What Happens When You Combine Electronic Music And The Best Athletes In Bulgaria? | Sound Of Sports

Duration: 3:47 Views: 108K Submitted: 4 years ago
Description: An epic collaborative project between 8 of the most talented Bulgarian athletes and one of the pioneers in the local and international electronic music scene–KiNK. This is The Sound Of Sports! ???? ????

Inspired and produced by sounds of the athletes’ sports gear in motion, the music composition brings life to these everyday sporting sounds recorded in their usual training playgrounds, located across the country in Samokov, Gabrovo and Sofia. Enjoy! ????

► Discover more from this week on Red Bull: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnuf8iyXggLGEKfu0JGGOrccbpL1CXUZ4.
► Discover more from the Red Bull World of bike here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyE9WBCj4oU&list=PLnuf8iyXggLGvb-gozxAPRQYIfUbc8fuj&index=2

Music Production: Strahil Velchev –KiNK
Video Production: Beardfrost Productions

Paragliding: Veselin Ovcharov
Kitesurfing: Nicola Abadjiev
Athletics high jump: Tihomir Ivanov
Skateboarding: Vladimir Ivanov
Enduro motocross: Teodor Kabakchiev
BMX: Atanas Atanasov
Drift: Todor Dunev
DH bike: Victoria Goncheva

#RedBull #RedBullSound #SoundOfSports
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