Official VOLATUS trailer video

Duration: 0:57 Views: 4.0K Submitted: 7 years ago
Description: Finally trailer is here for the latest project Volatus which we have been working on over in Switzerland. The idea is to inspire people to go out and do what they love to do and drop everything else that doesn’t serve them and their real potential.

We all have a dream and we fear to face It due to failure. Get out there, become the best self of you and stay tuned for the full documentary.

Everyone that help us spread this video have a chance to get 3 tickets for the screening of the project in Gothenburg, Sweden and London, UK and will be presented by everyone involved in the project: Anton, Nicole, Brandon, Sebastian. Share It and 4 weeks before the project is screened we will announce who is joining us for the presentation in March – April.

Anton Andersson, Brandon Bailey, Sebastian Taguiang, Nicole Schafer, Glacier 3000.

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