Twin Turbo Plymouth VIP from FINLAND

Duration: 14:51 Views: 121K Submitted: 7 years ago
Description: Twin Turbo Plymouth VIP from FINLAND! These guys are some of the craziest and most dedicated racers we saw at Hot Rod Magazines "Drag Week”! These guys shredded Turbo’s, Cylinder Head’s, and MULTIPLE Transmissions! Dealing with some of the most inconvenient and stressful obstacles not once, but multiple times each…they definitely took the cake when it came to hard work and dedication! Janne Uskali shipped over his 1967 Plymouth VIP from Finland may not have been the most financially rewarding situation, but with all the supports from fans and co-racers alike, they finished out the grueling week of torture with smiles and some incredible memories! Back in Finland, this was the first registered street car to pull off a 7 second 1/4 mile! Unfortunately the team was unable to finish Drag Week, but they stuck around and made exhibition passes on the last day and partied with racers and fans alike, ending the week on a positive note!

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