200mph races, Kyle’s FIRST R8 passes, & MORE! (TX2K21 Day 1)
Duration: 24:38
Views: 392K
Submitted: 4 years ago
2021 is here and officially started at TX2K21! Full tanks, Full lanes, and BIG Goals have already kickstarted the Street Car Super Bowl off right. Hundreds of the most powerful street cars in the world have come together to compete on Jason Miller’s world class track prep here at the home of TX2K, Houston Raceway Park in Baytown, TX. From supercars to homebuilt monsters, this event is the home of the heaviest hitters from across the country! Check back for daily content here on YouTube, and the rest of our social media for constant updates of the beautiful creations that have shown up here to compete at the premier street car event of the year!
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--- WORST Luck VS The BEST Attitude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBV3jT5w-e0&t=13s
--- My Twin Turbo Audi R8 is DONE!!! (Dyno + First Drive): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWrtv4X0qIM&t=8s
--- They Bought $500 Worth of ICE to Finish!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeqAxpV0JrE
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Watch more of our recent & related videos!:
--- WORST Luck VS The BEST Attitude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBV3jT5w-e0&t=13s
--- My Twin Turbo Audi R8 is DONE!!! (Dyno + First Drive): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWrtv4X0qIM&t=8s
--- They Bought $500 Worth of ICE to Finish!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeqAxpV0JrE
MAPerformance your one stop shop for race car needs! ► https://bit.ly/MAPerformance-1320video
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